# Application entry Application entry-point ----------------------- The framework library expects an entry-point which is a static method of some public class, accepting one parameter. The entry-point to an application should be configured in the application's pom.xml like this io.aalam.maven aalam-maven-plugin 0.0 io.aalam.demo.TestApp:entryHandler The `entryPoint` value should be in the format public.module.path:static_method_name Ex. Lets you have to following directory struct for your app / pom.xml src/ main/ java/ io/ aalam/ demo/ TestApp.java And you have a *public class* in it that has a static method defined in the name entryHandler then the entry-point should look like io.aalam.demo.TestApp:entryHandler The entry-point should accept one parameter. This parameter signifies the state at which the application is started. The state of the application is determined by how the application is started, at any time, only one of the states is applicable. See [Callbacks](io/aalam/common/Callbacks.rst) class for more information.