.. java:import:: java.io File .. java:import:: java.io IOException .. java:import:: java.util Map .. java:import:: java.util HashMap .. java:import:: org.ini4j Ini .. java:import:: org.ini4j Profile Config ====== .. java:package:: io.aalam.common :noindex: .. java:type:: public class Config Fields ------ adminUser ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String adminUser :outertype: Config Email id of the owner of this portal. appCode ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String appCode :outertype: Config The app code of this application. appProviderCode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String appProviderCode :outertype: Config The provider code of this application. appsServerPubKey ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String appsServerPubKey :outertype: Config Apps server's public key, used to verify the signature of the requests from aalam apps server bizCode ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String bizCode :outertype: Config The code of this portal. centralPubKey ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String centralPubKey :outertype: Config The central server's public key, used to verify the signature of the request from aalam central server. dataDir ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String dataDir :outertype: Config The absolute path of the directory where this application can use to write data that it wants to persist across reboots. entryPoint ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String entryPoint :outertype: Config Entry point defined by this application in its pom.xml hooksMap ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String hooksMap :outertype: Config Path to the hooks map containing the application's hook points, defined in it's pom.xml hostName ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String hostName :outertype: Config The hostname in which this application is running. messagesMap ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String messagesMap :outertype: Config Path to the messages map containing the application's message settings defined in it's pom.xml mysqlUrl ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String mysqlUrl :outertype: Config URL to the mysql database in the format mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database_name packageDir ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String packageDir :outertype: Config Application execution root path. This is where the application libraries are all present. permissionsMap ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String permissionsMap :outertype: Config Path to the permissions map containing the application's permissions defined in it's pom.xml privKey ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String privKey :outertype: Config Path to the RSA private key used while communicating with other internal applications. pubKey ^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String pubKey :outertype: Config Path to the public key of this application. redisUrl ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String redisUrl :outertype: Config Url to the redis server. This will be of the format `unix://:password@/abosulte/path/to/redis/socket.sock` sections ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static Map sections :outertype: Config settingsMap ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String settingsMap :outertype: Config Path to the settings map containing the application's settings items, defined in it's pom.xml staticsUrlRoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String staticsUrlRoot :outertype: Config The statics url prefix of the application as defined in it's pom.xml userKeysPath ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static String userKeysPath :outertype: Config The path to public keys of the users. This will be used to verify the signature of any user requests. Methods ------- getArg ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static String getArg(String section, String arg, String defaultValue) :outertype: Config Application will have no use with this method. This method is used internally in the framework. newSection ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static void newSection(String section) :outertype: Config Application will have no use with this method. This method is used internally in the framework. parse ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static void parse(String fileName) :outertype: Config Application will have no use with this method. This method is used internally in the framework.